I would like to wish a peace and prosperous new year to all my friends ,family members, supporters,official event partners and of you the one spending time to visit my blog.Without your support , Msquare Studio wouldn't have grow as this.I ,on behalf of Msquare Studio once again would like thank all of you and keep on supporting us.Thanks and Happy New Year Makkels. :)
Photography - A passion
This article came out on Tamil Nesan 21-10-2012(Sunday) for the photography competition which was held at Johor Bahru.This was my great opportunity to meet with Mr Shanmugham(The Star Newspaper) :)
Click here to view image

Photography Competition: My 2013
In the effort of encouraging the art of photography , Msquare Studio have take a effort to organize a photography competition . As a way to welcome year 2013 ,the selected theme of the competition is "My 2013".Our aim is not only focus for those with DSLR owners but also to those who are interested in photography. So, no matter its your mobile camera ,digital camera or DSLR ,take it out,snap a picture with the theme and start submit to us.The prize we provide is to give a small appreciation to your hardwork and the "People's Choice Award of the Month" is given to those have the most likes for the competition period.We are hoping for an encouraging respond and its our wish to run this series of competition continuously.
1Malaysia Charity Tour [3rd Charity Tour ]
I really miss the moments at the Ashram . Fantastic moments with a lot of kids and new friends . These kids what they really wants care and lots of love .Here's some of the pictures , for those who interested to contribute for this charity event , please hold your patience..Will post the full details about the program soon :)